Luisa’s Compositions: catalogue

Katalog skladb, ki jih je Luisa Antoni napisala. Nekatere so objavljene, druge pa še ne. Nekatere so že doživele praizvedbo.

Ensembles and solos

Bonfire (2024), for bass flute, violoncello, piano and 2 e-bows

Les Regrets (2024), for 2 viole da gamba

A’ la folie (2023), for 4 viole da gamba

Scintille d’acqua (2023), for violin, bass clarinet and piano

La Valse de Camille (2022), for Camille Claudel, for guitar

Adelaide (2021), for violin and harp

Il sogno après  M.° T (2020), in memoriam E. Porta, for violin

VI&VI (2020), for cello and percussions

KrElno (2020), for clarinet, cello, electric guitar and piano

Laggiù (2020), for piano

Istrska (2020), for 2 pianos and 2 e-bows

Salt and Olives (2020), for piano

Avaritia (2019), for voice, pikolo and bass flute

Shenandoah’s Planh (2018), for cello and piano

La civiltà è senza cuore. Il cuore è senza civiltà (2018), for violin and viola

ROSSSS (2018), for clarinet and cello

B1lэč@nk@ (2017), for sax and piano

Snednecsa (2017), for flute, violin and clarinet

Arsi, piansi e cantai, Hommage à A. Corghi (2017), for voice, cello and piano

Piccola suite carnascialesca (2017), for alto recorder and harpsichord

Nini sine, spavaj sine (2016), for flute and violin

Vermeer (2016), for flute and harp, based on a poem by W. Szymborska

Ein Kind (2016), for voice and harpsichord (one performer)

… A Bee or Two… (… un’ape o due…) (2016), for bass-clarinet, violoncello, and percussion (one player: vibraphone, wind chimes, and tamtam)

Vi-Ha-Es, Fantasia su Victimae Paschali Laudes (2016), for organ

Contrafacta , for soprano, clarinet, trombone, viola, violoncello, text by Paul Eluard

Ricercare contemporaneo (2015), for double harpsichord and lute stop

L’Alfa e l’Omega (2015), for 4 sopranos, 2 trumpets and 2 trombones, text from The Book of Revelation

Come el vin (2015), for soprano, baritone and piano, text by Virgilio Giotti

Igra kvart (Gioco di quarte) (2014), for piccolo, flute, alto flute, oboe, english horn, clarinet, bass clarinet, and horn

Albero rosso (2014), for flute

Ostinatamente basso (2013), for bass guitar

…anche se lontano appoggiato sul mio cuore… (2013), for harp

Muzikant, Divertimento su un tema popolare sloveno , for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, and piano

…E… (2010), for violin, violoncello, and vibraphone

Pevcu, for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 clarinets, and bass clarinet, text  by F. Prešeren

Hudič, for voice and piano, text by Srečko Kosovel

Je t’adore , for tenor and piano, text from Baudelaire’s “Les fleurs du mal”

Contrappunti e intermezzi (2000), for 2 flutes and female voice, text by Hermes Trismegistus

Spoved, (1999), for voice and organ, text from the Freising manuscripts




Mixed ensembles of instruments from different cultures


Quarta e quinta (2014), for clarinet, erhu in pipa

Seikilos (2012), for viola, kemençe, harp, and ud, text from Seikilos Epitaph

Senza nome (2011), for flute, clarinet, bansuri, pan flute, and sho





Štefan (1999/2016), for female choir, text by S. Kosovel

Io sarai il farc (2015), for mixed choir, text by G. Menon

Izi-Papa and Mama, for mixed choir

Na planincah (2002), for mixed choir





Trad./Antoni, Merry Blacksmith Jig (2016), for oboe, clarinet, and strings

Bartok/Antoni, Peasant song (2016), for 4 violas and double bass

Bartok/Antoni, Hungarian folksong (2016), for 4 violas and double bass

Bloch/Antoni, Preghiera (2016), for 8 violoncelli

Debussy/Antoni, Minstrels, for basset horn, violoncello, and piano

Debussy/Antoni, Clair du lune , for voice, basset horn, violoncello, and piano (4 hands)



Incidental music


Ist san na žena (2017), Beneško Theater, stage direction Elisabetta Gustini, for recorder, harpsichord, and voice